Monday, September 27, 2010

Uncle Alex!

We just finished a fun week with June's Uncle Alex! He flew in on Friday night (which was a surprise for Keith's birthday) and stayed with us for the whole week. June has a little trouble saying his name and her pronunciation kept evolving over time, which was funny. Originally she called him Apple which is probably just because it is an "A" word that she knows. Soon it became an "ahh" sound. Then as she tried to add the second syllable it ended up sounding more like Ice- which we all got a kick out of. Finally she got the hang of it and now says something that sounds pretty close to Alex. Good work June!

We stayed pretty busy while Alex was here. We spent quite a bit of time outside walking, playing at parks and playing disc golf. June really liked having her Uncle around and has still been checking the guest room for him each morning.

Here are some pictures of the visit:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Fun but Chilly Camping Trip!

We spent Labor Day weekend at Higgins Lake again this year camping with family and friends. Temperatures during the day were in the 50s and 60s and it got down into the 40s at night. So needless to say we were a little cold for a few days! Nonetheless, we had a great time. The kids didn't let the weather slow them down one bit, they were on the go all day every day. Here are just a few pictures from the trip.

I love camping!!

A couple things about this picture... First, in Keith's defense I asked everyone to make a silly face and he was the only one who did so. Unfortunately, it was the only picture that I got where everyone was looking at the camera. Second, the purpose of this picture was to show how all the little girls in the group look so much like their dads, not sure how well you can tell because it is not very close but it is really pretty amazing! In retrospect, maybe we should have done one with the moms too, in order to show how much they do not look like us.

Notice anything funny about this one? I will give you a hint: when I got ready to take it there were three little girls in the wagon. Oops Macy!

June and her Uncle Kyle!

Our beach day (in sweatshirts :)

Keith went swimming (he is crazy) June watched him like a hawk the whole time.

Annual sleeping by the fire picture.

For more camping pictures check some of our favorite blog links along the right side. Several of the other families posted great shots as well!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

June and the Ducks

The Beach!

These pictures are from a trip to the beach we took a few weeks back. It was a private beach that my friend's family belongs to and we happened to be the only ones there that day. June loved it, of course! Since there were no kids to play with she ended up making friends with a very outgoing group of ducks. I included a few pictures from the day as well as a video of June following the ducks.