Well the long wait has ended. June is officially a big sister! Elis Grey Coffindaffer was born on November 14th 2011 at 8:08 am. He weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 19.5 in long. He was delivered by c-section at 36 weeks- quite early because of placenta previa and low amniotic fluid levels. Although he was very good size for a 36 week baby, he had some trouble breathing at first and had to be admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where he spent his first four days. Elis responded well to all of his treatments and Mom and Dad gladly took him home on November 17th with a clean bill of health!
June absolutely loves having her little brother around (as you will be able to see from the pictures), she is a great helper and we couldn't be more proud of her.
This is June's first time seeing Elis through the NICU window.
Going home!
SO EXCITED to hold Baby Elis!
Proud big sister.
My favorite!
Oops forgot the rest of her outift!
Getting ready for xmas!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
September Update
In September we went on our annual Labor Day camping trip in Michigan. June, as usual, had a ton of fun running around with her cousins and all of her favorite camping buddies! After camping we had the opportunity to take June to see Disney on Ice in Chicago. We were pretty certain that she was impressed when her jaw fell wide open and stayed that way for about the first twenty minutes of the show. I also had the chance to take June bowling for the first time recently. We went with one of her little friend's Mattie, they had a great time! Finally, I have included a few pictures from ballet. June and I are taking Mommy and Me Ballet... which is adorable! We are hoping to be able to participate for as long as possible, BUT the last class happens to fall on my due date so we'll just have to see how things go!
In other news we made the transition to June's big bed and so far things are going great. She loves it! We were completely amazed when we put her down the first night and didn't hear a peep until morning. I guess she was ready!
Baby Update: This little boy never stops moving and based on ultrasound results is over the 75th percentile for weight at this point. Maybe he will decide to come early!
In other news we made the transition to June's big bed and so far things are going great. She loves it! We were completely amazed when we put her down the first night and didn't hear a peep until morning. I guess she was ready!
Baby Update: This little boy never stops moving and based on ultrasound results is over the 75th percentile for weight at this point. Maybe he will decide to come early!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Monthly Post
Remember when I used to post things every week? Now I feel pretty good when I get to it once a month! We have had a great summer. June is very proud to be (almost completely) potty trained and preparing to move into her big girl bed. We are currently decorating her new room and hope to have her all settled in before her new little brother arrives. This post's pictures include a great zoo trip with our friend Emmy and her little buddy Ellie, a fun day on a boat with our good friends Tara and Eric, one picture of June and her cousin Lily making a HUGE mess, and a wonderful weekend in Royal Oak for Grammy's bday.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Just got back after four days camping in Michigan with family and friends. As usual June had loads of fun playing with all of the kids, swimming, exploring, and finding any way possible to get dirty... because after all that is what camping is all about! I actually overheard June's cousin Ethan telling her in the sandbox exactly how to go about getting her hands dirty. Some highlights of the trip were the celebration of Aylee's first birthday on Saturday, an awesome kid friendly rafting trip on Sunday and of course a great 4th of July fireworks show on the last night. June seems just a little bored this week at home with Mom.... weird!
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