Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Weekend in Michigan

June went on her first road trip last weekend, we had to make sure she was up for all the traveling that comes with being a part of the family- she did great! She only woke up once going to Michigan and once coming back and that was only when we stopped for gas. The weekend was busy, but fun. June had a chance to meet friends, neighbors, and even her cousins Tyler and Ethan. The pictures from the trip are fair at best- so I apologize for that.

It was great to meet Karly and her family, but it is tiring being so popular! (Notice the yawn in the picture above, also notice the picture below which was taken right after their visit) Thanks for visiting Karly, Nik, Kady and Erica.

In this picture, my Grandpa is taking an important call from my Uncle Alex. Look at the team work!

Now this one is embarrassing. Mom took a picture of me working out in my dress. One and two and three and...

Here I am with my cousins Tyler and Ethan. Is it just me or do the Moms look happier than the kids in this one?

Last but not least, in this picture I am hanging out with my Grandma and Grandpa Yost. We had a fun weekend!

1 comment:

abbie said...

Ha! The working out picture of June is great!